Get Access to Valuable Bonuses…

  • BONUS 1 – My Big Why Super Set
    Two separate fill able check lists for children and adults with possible reasons why getting fit is important to you.
  • BONUS 2 – Exercise and Stretching Charts Super Set
    Options of possible exercise choices and explanations of how to do them right to avoid injury.
  • BONUS 3 – My Weekly Play Pyramid Super set
    Three separate fill able charts for children, seniors and you to help you and your family organize and understand your current activities and help you plan your future ones. Also included are the family and super family activity pyramids for your reference and use.
  • BONUS 4 – The Family’s Play Bank
    A chart for you to fill in with fitness activities you like doing.
  • BONUS 5 – My Super S.M.A.R.T. Power Play Goal planner
    A chart that helps you to set and achieve your fitness goals.
  • BONUS 6 – My Super Fun Power Play Program Tracker
    A chart that helps you plan our family workout.
  • BONUS 7 – Motivational Quotes used in “Power Play – The Super U Fitness Way”
    A list of the motivational quotes to inspire you to keep going!
  • BONUS 8 – Fun Activity Ideas to work into your Power Play Program
    Different options on how to make your family workout seem like play so that your children keep coming back for more!
Congratulations for choosing this book! I have no doubt that it will change your life for the better. It will inspire you to achieve your dreams and to live the life that you have always wanted to live! Raymond Aaron

New York Times Bestselling Author


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